


About us

Dronoport is a Ukrainian innovative research and production company specializing in the design and manufacture of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), unmanned ground transportation systems (robots), and robots operating in and under water. We started our activity in 2014...
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New Dronoport

Fully automatic and often autonomous for power supply unmanned systems (AUS) – is a new direction in development of unmanned systems. It is the next logical step from remotely controlled and always maintained to fully automatic. Such systems find a different application such as air pollution control, perimeter security, monitoring of production facilities, prevention of […]
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Centaur – robotic ground vehicle

The Centaur can be used as a cargo “mule” for delivering equipment and ammunition, for evacuating the wounded, as a mobile fire point, and as a carrier for a tethered drone in a fire-fighting version.
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VTOL Demonstration

Demonstration of the capabilities of the VTOL device: vertical takeoff, freeze at a specified point, vertical landing
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Heavy vehicle testing

Development of vertical and horizontal flight modes for VTOL aircraft
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